Throughout time, people have believed in many forces they could not see with their eyes, and in time science has eventually proven various energies or stars or higher states of being and consciousness are true.  So it is with the contiguous universe. This is the universe that is attached to ours and to all of the others.  We cannot see it, but it is there. It consists of other worlds, other dimensions, other vibrations – perhaps even other life forms. It contains the seeds of the creation and of the Divine. It is without form and is spoken of in The Tree of Life with common roots throughout the contiguous universes. It is all so beautiful beyond our imagination. 

It is greater than all of the so-called celestials:  angels, spirits, planets, stars, guardians, etc. The contiguous universe is on the level of divinity and ‘source’ and is all encompassing.  This greater Universe hosts a Morphic Field to which all energies are connected and reverberate and exchange information and greater more complex knowledge within a universal life force. As such, it is also connected to the Contiguous Universe.  This Universal Energy, which connects all of us to every living thing and every spiritual body holding energy, implies we are all a part of one another. I am in you, and you are in me. As such, the Contiguous Universe is also in each of us, and we are in the Contiguous Universe.

I believe strongly that the Contiguous Universe is even now providing a balance (a counter balance) for our out-of-balance universe which has become so environmentally toxic and socially ill. The Contiguous Universe “breathes” health into our universe to keep the scales from tipping, and so the cooperation may continue. The Contiguous Universe is perfect Oneness and just ‘is.’

Dear Colleagues,

I strongly recommend Susan Dreiband for the title of Practitioner
of the Year. Her interactions with patients are most professional. She
treats clients according to their needs and when necessary provides
additional time unstintingly during any session. She’s compassionate,
intuitive, and spiritual, providing support whenever needed. New patients
immediately feel the effects of her channeling of Reiki energy. Coming to Susan adds qualitatively to their lives.

As a Reiki teacher she’s phenomenal. She knows her topic thoroughly and has
taken the time to read and share related information. Susan takes a
student, building on the strengths and natural talents while helping them
understand their ‘weaker’ areas. She enables them to become aware of innate
behaviors which might not serve them well. I have a degree from a
prestigious College, and I would say that Susan is the best teacher I have
ever had. She noted and respected the way I thought and shaped questions
and theories, and encouraged my questions. Apart from individual tutoring
she brings students together in round table encouraging discussions and
sharing of experiences and values.

I cannot speak highly enough about Susan Dreiband