Healing Hearts/Healing Arts

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I am very pleased to offer you Reiki Distant Healing.  As always, I will first ask your permission before beginning any session and work with you in total cooperation for your benefit. This is done by connecting with the Reiki energy and using Reiki methods to transcend the distance.  The information on the home page may assist with this process. 

By the way, sometimes the person in need is an infant, or is perhaps unconscious and cannot answer directly.  It can then be appropriate to prayerfully seek permission from the person’s higher self.

I aim to help others on their healing journey and to teach the practice and philosophy of Reiki to those who want to learn it.  Years ago Reiki changed my life, my outlook, and my health, and now I am a Certified Usui Master/Teacher.

I believe life is multi-dimensional, and people, animals, and other living things travel beyond our material dimension and cross the boundaries of time, space, and matter as a matter of course and transcendence.  My Reiki Level l, ll, and Master Program enable students to acquire all of the fundamentals of Usui Reiki and hone the special skills of intuition, moving into additional dimensions and becoming sensitive to the nuances of energy and change.

I believe Reiki Masters ascend from the continuous practice of Reiki to the state of Affinity, where they enter into and remain in an ongoing, positive relationship with Divine healing energy.  I see myself as part of the honored lineage of Reiki healers from the past, as part of the growing community of Reiki healers practicing today, and as having a strong responsibility to help teach the Reiki practitioners of the future through a variety of teaching methods.

Reiki is a gentle yet highly effective method of healing the body, the mind, and the spirit, and it promotes deep relaxation and an intense feeling of well-being.   It is an input of pure energy, which will accelerate the body’s natural ability to heal itself on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. Reiki can increase vitality and energy, raise self-esteem, and cleanse the body of impurities.  It is safe to use in any situation, because it is a creative force and flows naturally into the areas where it is needed most.

Affinity Healing Educational Journey – Beyond Time Space and Dimension


We Begin, And We Begin Again


A person becomes a Reiki Master after much yearning, much practice and study, much clearing of the heart and soul. The Reiki Master level is achieved with faith and a belief we can truly be conduits or portals for the healing Reiki energy.  It is achieved with the understanding of the fundamentals through many advanced techniques and methods.

When a person has such a relationship with Reiki, that person has achieved an Affinity, a calling to a Divine relationship, with universal healing energy.  Affinity itself is oneness, an alignment of our best intentions, with our spiritual practice, with our Reiki healing practice (including self-care).

Many people are “called” to practice Reiki, like a calling from the Divine Source, and many have responded to this calling. When you practice Affinity, you are responding to a calling from the highest source: you are entering into a relationship where you will remain and which is ongoing. This is a commitment from the Reiki practitioner (sometimes called “Reiki Master”) to continue to seek balance in all things, live life to the highest ethical standards, practice Reiki principals daily, and heal with a loving and open heart. Affinity and its complementary healing take place in a multi-dimensional expansion and interconnectedness: a vibration and resonance.

I have been practicing Reiki and related energy healing for about 10 years.  Reiki changed my life in many ways. I find Reiki is a beautiful and love-filled energy which helps with balance, relaxation, and healing.   

The word “affinity” suggests a relationship which has a common origin… a sort of unseen force, which causes this relationship to happen…. As our hearts and our compassion for one another expand outward, we can only find our commonalities far exceed any differences. Affinity is the healing.

Our Affinity Healing Journey Class timeframe will vary depending on each student’s focus on the material and can be up to a year. This is no weekend class. The class is for the student who wants to go within and see what is there.  It is for the student who also wants to look around, as well. It all takes time. The requirements for the class include Usui Reiki Levels l and ll.  

Affinity Healing Supports:

  • Continuous Reiki practice and personal spiritual practice

  • Knowledge and use of Usui Master-Teacher level advanced healing methods

  • Expanded situational awareness and expanded consciousness

  • Inner awareness and self discovery

  • Multi-dimensional awareness

  • Balance, centering, grounding, and clarity

  • An evolving understanding of being in domain and being in dominion

  • Compassionate detachment, forgiveness, and self-care

  • Humility and the reality we are all created to heal one another

  • Healing which can take place virtually beyond time and space 

Some teaching topics include: reiki and spirituality, reiki symbols/sacred symbols, extended chakra system,  beyond time and space – the Myst (a different kind of healing), lessons in self-healing, our auric field, finding harmony on the road to sacred being, creating spiritual community, various readings, creating personal interstice and learning through readings, conversations questions, and exploration.

Please call for questions regarding cost and timing of the class or anything else you would like to ask regarding the class. 


4 Steps to Your NightSpeaks Healing Session:

1) Make an appointment for each session (as many as you wish).

2) Write about the issue and the healing you desire. I will provide the necessary coaching.

3) Choose a picture that resonates with you, or you may ask me to choose for you.

4) Call me to set up a time for your session. I will provide any other instructions:

‭(240) 405-4419‬

I call this photo “Angel Tree” and the photo was taken in my backyard. The image appeared in my Locust Tree

A number of years ago when I was visiting my friends, Drs. Alex and David Bennet, at their home in West Virginia, I noticed I could see and almost interact with the electromagnetic energy abundant around their property. This was happening just as I was getting more and more into Reiki and learning more about Divine Love, meditation, and new powerful healing techniques, as well as techniques bringing me to a higher and broader consciousness. I shared my experience with Alex and David and was very excited about what I was seeing. I not only saw this energy outside, but I was seeing it in my room at their Inn, as well. As time has gone on, I realized that seeing in this electromagnetic universe is a gift, but, more important, Alex and David’s curiosity drove them to figure out how I was able to see this and whether these images could be shared along this electromagnetic gateway in which we all live. David, a physicist, simply decided that photos of this energy could be taken with a basic digital camera – that is, if it was real and not only in my mind. We decided to call this energy “Myst.”

While Myst is truly a myst-ical and magical phenomenon, it seems to come when your heart is filled (overflowing) with love and joy, when you sing with your heart and soul, and when you pray with all of your spirit. It takes many forms. Sometimes it looks like angels, children, and people of all races. Sometimes it looks like animals, spirits, and fairies. Sometimes it looks like beings from science fiction, and much more. But at all times it is Divine; it is healing, and it is filled with loving energy.

Why Teach?


I made a difficult decision with this transition of my website to focus mainly on teaching rather than divide my time and energy between doing Reiki and teaching. I have achieved Usui Reiki I, II and Master levels as well as other forms of Reiki Master levels and energy healing which have all been incorporated into my practice. Now, I feel it is time to take this energy healing passion, learning and skills and inspire others.  Sharing and teaching this energy healing perhaps holds the key to a better world, a healthier and more positive universe. I feel I am teaching knowledge but also compassion, caring, relationship building, thinking and creativity and intuition strengthening. It is a joy and a love of mine.